TIM June 4th, 2018

The fast and the curious:

Can T cells tune speed and turning behavior
to optimize their search for antigen?

Inge Wortel
Department of Tumor Immunology, Radboudumc

Search strategies: the exploration-exploitation dilemma

1. How fast do I move? (speed)

Faster : cover more area,
but less time to look

2. How long until I turn? (persistence)

Short time : more thorough
but get less far

Images adapted from: Benichou et al. Review of Modern Physics, 2011.

Searching in immunology

T cells in LN (no infection)

A. Peixoto, Harvard Medical School
Neutrophils in LN (with infection)
Chtanova et al, Immunity 2008.

How T cells search

T cells show highly different migratory behavior depending on context:

$\rightarrow$ Does this reflect different "optimal" search strategies?

Image adapted from: Krummel et al. Nature Reviews Immunology, 2016.

How T cells search

Random walk models:

Vary parameters $\rightarrow$ how long does it take to find target?


  1. Can cells tune speed and persistence independently?

Can cells tune speed and persistence independently?

Migrating cells: universal coupling between speed and persistence (UCSP)

Maiuri et al, Current Biology 2012.

Maiuri et al, Cell 2015.

Can cells tune speed and persistence independently?

Migrating cells: universal coupling between speed and persistence (UCSP)

Maiuri et al, Cell 2015.

Maiuri et al, Cell 2015.

How T cells search

Random walk models:

Vary parameters $\rightarrow$ how long does it take to find target?


  1. Can cells tune speed and persistence independently?
  2. Is behavior cell-intrinsic, or shaped by environment?

How do intrinsic (UCSP) and extrinsic (tissue) factors
constrain T cell migration patterns?

Approach: Modeling T cell migration in silico

This model must:

1 describe migration $\rightarrow$ T cells should actively move
2 reproduce UCSP $\rightarrow$ speed/persistence as output, not input
3 be spatial $\rightarrow$ T cells should have a shape
4 be multicellular $\rightarrow$ allow cells to interact with surrounding tissue

The Cellular Potts Model (CPM)

Pixels belong to cells, which
move by copying pixels:

Copy success chance (Pcopy) is higher when it helps the cell:

Stay together:Maintain its size:Maintain its membrane:
$\searrow$ $\downarrow$ $\swarrow$

Approach: Modeling T cell migration in silico

This model must:

1 describe migration $\rightarrow$ T cells should actively move
2 reproduce UCSP $\rightarrow$ speed/persistence as output, not input
3 be spatial $\rightarrow$ T cells should have a shape
4 be multicellular $\rightarrow$ allow cells to interact with surrounding tissue

Migration: Act model

Cells move if we add positive feedback on protrusive activity ($\approx$ actin polymerization)1:

λact$\approx$ protrusive force
maxact$\approx$ polymerized actin lifetime

1Niculescu et al. PLoS Computational Biology, 2015.

Approach: Modeling T cell migration in silico

This model must:

1 describe migration $\rightarrow$ T cells should actively move
2 reproduce UCSP $\rightarrow$ speed/persistence as output, not input
3 be spatial $\rightarrow$ T cells should have a shape
4 be multicellular $\rightarrow$ allow cells to interact with surrounding tissue

Set-up: microchannels ("1D")

In silico microchannel:

Maiuri et al, Cell 2015.

Set-up: 2D and 3D

Speed-persistence coupling emerges in the Act model

All tested λact / maxact combinations:

$\rightarrow$ Speed-persistence coupling exists in all 3 settings

Speed-persistence coupling emerges in the Act model

Similar cells grouped (microchannels):

$\rightarrow$ Exponential coupling is strong in cells with same maxact

Speed-persistence coupling emerges in the Act model

Similar cells grouped (2D and 3D):

$\rightarrow$ Exponential coupling is strong in cells with same maxact

Speed-persistence coupling spans different migration modes

Similar cells grouped (2D and 3D):

$\rightarrow$ Coupling holds throughout different shapes & behaviors

Persistence saturates at high λact


Experimental data:

Maiuri et al, Cell 2015.

$\rightarrow$ Model reproduces saturation observed in vitro

Not only persistence, but also speed saturates

Speed and persistence versus λact:

Why do speed and persistence saturate?

Speed and persistence versus λact:

Low maxact: protrusion splitting

High maxact: angular diffusion

Back to T cells: the epidermis

The epidermis is packed tightly with keratinocytes
...Yet T cells remaining after an infection are highly motile:

Ariotti et al, PNAS 2012.

$\rightarrow$ Can we still see the UCSP for T cells in such a dense environment?

Act T cells migrate between keratinocytes in the epidermis

Low λact:

High λact:

Environmental constraints obscure UCSP in the epidermis

For different tissue rigidity (λP):

$\rightarrow$ Stringent environmental constraints can overrule the UCSP


Cells cannot freely "choose" their speed and persistence:

- Both have a natural upper bound (cell-intrinsic)
- Speed and persistence are coupled (cell-intrinsic)
- Environmental constraints restrict options even further, and can overrule the UCSP (cell-extrinsic)

$\rightarrow$ "Optimizing" speed and persistence is not so straightforward!

Relevance: Lévy walks?

Back to T cells in the brain:

Cells alternate between high & low persistence, while keeping the same speed.

$\rightarrow$ But how could they do that when there is a UCSP?
Fitting these models on limited data is hard...


Tumor Immunology, Nijmegen

  • Johannes Textor
  • Jolanda de Vries
  • Carl Figdor
  • Human DLM


  • Radboudumc PhD grant

Theoretical Biology, Utrecht

  • Rob de Boer
  • Martijn Kolijn
  • Ioana Niculescu

Chemical & Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute, Israel

  • Nir Gov