TIM 11-12-2017

Learning by example:

How T cells learn to discriminate "self" from "foreign" during negative selection

Inge Wortel
Department of Tumor Immunology,

T cell diversity & negative selection: a problem of numbers

The immune system's T cell repertoire has to:

  • recognize >1015 foreign peptides ... 1
  • ... while tolerating hundreds of thousands of self peptides



1 Sewell (2012). Nature Reviews Immunology.   Images adapted from The Immune System, 3rd ed.(2009), Garland Science.

Does negative selection achieve tolerance?

Healthy humans have many autoreactive T cells! 1

$\rightarrow$ Negative selection is incomplete!

What is the purpose of negative selection if it is incomplete?

1 Yu et al. (2015). Immunity.

Approach: Artificial Immune System (AIS)


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Inspired by the immune system

Use AIS to investigate the purpose of incomplete negative selection:

  • Make repertoires with millions of different TCRs
  • Simulate negative selection in silico
  • General classification algorithm

A classic classification problem: languages

Can you see the difference between English and Xhosa?

ceived   kuqale   erness
kubang   lwaban   rkness


You can distinguish languages based on a short string of just a few letters.

$\approx$ self-foreign discrimination based on short peptides of just a few AAs!

A simple model of TCR-sequence recognition

Three ingredients needed:

1 Sequence
3 Affinity

A simple model of TCR-sequence recognition

Three ingredients needed:

1 Sequence 6-letter strings of text in a certain language
3 Affinity

A simple model of TCR-sequence recognition

Three ingredients needed:

1 Sequence 6-letter strings of text in a certain language
2 TCR binding motif
3 Affinity

A simple model of TCR-sequence recognition

Three ingredients needed:

1 Sequence 6-letter strings of text in a certain language
2 TCR binding motif
3 Affinity Longest stretch of adjacent "matches"
$\rightarrow$ binding if affinity $\geq$ threshold t

Simulating negative selection in silico

Example: Xhosa recognition after negative selection on English

Negative selection allows discrimination

Negative selection on 500 English strings (t = 3),
Compare recognition of different English and Xhosa strings


$\rightarrow$ TCRs distinguish strings they have not seen!

Why discrimination on unseen strings?

English and Xhosa are rarely recognized by the same TCRs:


  • English
  • Xhosa

Edge if >10,000 TCRs in common

Concordance (same-language neighbors):

Why discrimination on unseen strings?

This only works if strings are truly different:


  • English
  • More English

Edge if >10,000 TCRs in common

Concordance (same-language neighbors):

Two key requirements for self-foreign discrimination

  1. Appropriate TCR specificity/cross-reactivity
  2. Sufficient self-foreign dissimilarity

Two key requirements for self-foreign discrimination

  1. Appropriate TCR specificity/cross-reactivity
  2. Sufficient self-foreign dissimilarity
Complete specificity (t = 6)Low specificity (t = 1)Intermediate specificity (t = 3)

Two key requirements for self-foreign discrimination

  1. Appropriate TCR specificity/cross-reactivity
  2. Sufficient self-foreign dissimilarity

Summary: what have we learned from languages?

Negative selection allows self-foreign discrimination:

  • Even on "unseen" sequences
  • Even when tolerance is incomplete

This works well when:

  1. TCRs are moderately cross-reactive
  2. Self and foreign are sufficiently dissimilar

Back to self versus foreign peptides

Back to self versus foreign peptides

Use the same model for peptides instead of strings:

TCRs are moderately cross-reactive

Model at t = 4 closely matches experimental estimates

Model (t = 4) Literature
Cross-reactivity: 1 : 55,000 peptides 1 : 30,000 peptides 1
Typical peptide

0 - 20 TCRs / million

0 - 100 TCRs / million 2-4

1 Ishizuka et al (2009). J Immunol.
2 Legoux et al (2010). J Immunol.3 Blattman et al (2002). J Exp Med.4 Alanio et al (2010). Blood.

Peptides from "self" and "foreign" proteomes are similar

Peptides from "self" and "foreign" proteomes are similar

 HIV peptides are embedded in large
 clusters of self peptides.

Xhosa/English: separate clusters.

$\rightarrow$ self-foreign discrimination will be difficult!

Self-foreign discrimination is difficult

... but possible if TCRs are specific enough:

Can we make self-foreign discrimination easier?

  • self peptides in the thymus are probably not random
  • What can an "optimal" combination of self peptides achieve?

How could the thymus be "optimal"?

Computed "optimal" set is enriched in rare AAs, depleted of common AAs

$\rightarrow$ Could enrichment of rare AAs help self-foreign discrimination?

How could the thymus be "optimal"?

Choose "training" self peptides with a bias for peptides with rare AAs:

Simple bias already improves self-foreign discrimination.

The same is true for other pathogens

  • Poor self-foreign discrimination after selection on random peptides
  • Improved self-foreign discrimination after selection on biased peptides

Model: choosing self peptides for negative selection

When "self" and "foreign" are similar:

Summary: self-foreign discrimination in the immune system

A negatively selected TCR repertoire can discriminate "self" from "foreign" even when self-tolerance is incomplete.

  • Because TCRs are moderately cross-reactive
  • This reconciles textbook theory with
    surprising experimental data.

But self-foreign discrimination is hard:

  • high self-foreign similarity hampers discrimination after selection
  • Prediction: we can overcome this with training peptides biased for rare AAs
    $\rightarrow$ because of AA bias in peptide presentation pathway?


Validation of prediction:

  • Ideal: manipulate thymic peptides in mouse model
  • Indirect: AAs in peptide elution from thymus


Tumor Immunology, Nijmegen

  • Johannes Textor
  • Jolanda de Vries
  • Carl Figdor
  • Human DLM


  • Radboudumc PhD grant

Theoretical Biology, Utrecht

  • Rob de Boer
  • Can Kesmir

Physiology, McGill University Montreal

  • Judith Mandl