TIM, 10-03-2020
Inge Wortel
Department of Tumor Immunology, Radboudumc
The immune system's T cell repertoire has to:
1 Sewell (2012). Nature Reviews Immunology.
The immune system's T cell repertoire has to:
Diversity: random TCR
Tolerance: negative selection
1 Sewell (2012). Nature Reviews Immunology.
Is achieving "self-tolerance" the same as
achieving "self-foreign discrimination"?
Healthy humans have many self-reactive T cells! 1
$\rightarrow$ Negative selection is incomplete!
1 Yu et al. (2015). Immunity.
Given that negative selection is incomplete, can T cells distinguish
between self and foreign peptides they haven't seen
in the thymus?
ceived kuqale erness
kubang lwaban rkness
ceived kuqale erness
kubang lwaban rkness
Can T cells distinguish between self and foreign peptides they
haven't seen
in the thymus?
Can T cells learn by example during negative selection?
Use AIS to investigate the purpose of incomplete negative selection:
Three ingredients needed:
1 | Sequence | |
2 | TCR | |
3 | Affinity |
Three ingredients needed:
1 | Sequence | 6-letter strings of text in a certain language |
2 | TCR | |
3 | Affinity |
Three ingredients needed:
1 | Sequence | 6-letter strings of text in a certain language |
2 | TCR | binding motif |
3 | Affinity |
Three ingredients needed:
1 | Sequence | 6-letter strings of text in a certain language |
2 | TCR | binding motif |
3 | Affinity | Longest stretch of adjacent "matches" $\rightarrow$ binding if affinity $\geq$ threshold t |
Example: Xhosa recognition after negative selection on English
Negative selection on 500 English strings (t = 3),
Compare recognition of different English and Xhosa strings
Motifs per string, before vs after: | Most frequently recognized: |
$\rightarrow$ Motifs distinguish strings they have not seen!
Motifs rarely react to both English and Xhosa:
Edge if >10,000 motifs in common
Concordance (same-language neighbors): 81%
This only works if strings are truly different:
Edge if >10,000 motifs in common
Concordance (same-language neighbors): 50%
Complete specificity (t = 6) | Low specificity (t = 1) | Intermediate specificity (t = 3) |
Proof of concept:
Negative selection can foster "learning by example".
But this works only if:
Use the same model for peptides instead of strings:
HIV peptides are embedded in
clusters of self peptides.
Xhosa/English: separate clusters.
$\rightarrow$ self-foreign discrimination will be difficult!
... but remains possible:
Removal of self-reactivity $\neq$ self-foreign discrimination! Why does this work?
Self peptides with low exchangeability less often resemble foreign peptides:
$\rightarrow$ non-exchangeable peptides efficiently remove self-reactive TCRs, but preserve foreign-reactive ones!
Computed "optimal" set is enriched in rare AAs, depleted of common AAs.
Peptides with rare AAs tend to be less exchangeable:
$\rightarrow$ Could enrichment of rare AAs help self-foreign discrimination?
Choose "training" self peptides with a bias for peptides with rare AAs:
Simple bias already improves self-foreign discrimination.
Randomly split the self peptides into "self" and "foreign":
$\rightarrow$ T cells can discriminate, no matter how much a virus resembles self!
Negative selection allows "learning by example"
...but self-foreign discrimination is hard: